Thursday, August 9, 2007

The earthquake of July 22 2007

I have been living in California over six years, and I was optimistic that I would never experience an earthquake. Meaning in this case, that even if an earthquake happened, I would not be present in California. I always considered myself lucky, someone with a special gift from the god of luck. I thought that I would be lucky enough to be either out of the country or on the East Coast, not in California for sure. I decided to ignore the fact I am present in California at least 90% of the time during the year and an earthquake could virtually happen anytime ubiquitously
As having a bachelor’s degree in math, I know that it’s more logical that I should experience an earthquake, but who cares about math or scientific prediction if they don’t bring good news anyway.
On July 22, 2007 around 4:20ish in the morning, and I was awake because I like going to the gym at that time. I have tons of energy at that time instead of the evening. Suddenly, my apartment complex started shaking. I immediately though of an earthquake because in my mind, nothing could shake a building like this, nothing else except a natural force. On the one hand, I was not worried because nothing in my room fell on the ground, not even a book from my bookshelf. On the other hand, I was worried that my mother would hear the news in Mali, West Africa. I was worried that she would be worried and I did not have any phone card to call her and talk to her at all. I bought a card online to call her immediately which I did, and I emailed my brother not to worry that I am ok.
Afterward, I realized that one should not count on special luck to avoid natural disasters, but to prepare for them.